The Levels School

On the 31st March this year Shapwick School shut its doors to all the students as it went into liqudation. This was very sad and upsetting time for all staff, students and parents. Around 100 students were left without out a school, so Bradley Middleton had the idea of setting up a brand new day specialist School around the corner to try and save around 50 local students.

The Levels School ( was created and 12 members of staff were employed from Shapwick School to help save all those students who are now without a school. A premisies was secured and we are now waiting for ofsted to approve our new school. All these amazing staff are working for free to get this all ready for September.


To find out how we can help you,

Call: 01992 589 159
Mob: 07802 750 178


to discuss your needs.